Monday, November 11, 2013

Bluegrass Festival

So we went to the Bluegrass Festival in Kerrville this last weekend. Went early and had dinner with Carie, Scott, Vic and Sherry. We dined on hamburgers and wine/beer. We laughed enough to add a year or two to our lives. Ahhh, the stories we heard…

We were late to the festival, found our seats and listened to bluegrass for a couple of hours. There were three bands and I liked the last one best, which had some really good folk songs.

Blood Brothers

Bill's friend Jerry came to visit for the weekend. It was great seeing Jerry for more than a few hours and I got to know him more; finding out why they are still friends after all these years. They went to the Fireman's BBQ, listened to music by local artists and hung out at the house remembering old times and making a few new memories.