Monday, March 10, 2014

Precious Prom Pomp

Aahhh, how sweet, how wonderful! Good memories!
Prom 2014 * Damien and Elura
"The '20's" themed prom with dinner and dancing.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Goat Babies - Three of them!!

Whoa, what a rush! I just helped - watched really - deliver three beautiful little goat kiddos, two bucklings and a doeling. We are all in love with them. EJ named our doeling, Eshne (esh-nee) meaning "Little Fire". The boys, though only here for a short time, are being called "Setapart" and "Pollo". Teagan, the first timer, did a champion job. Once the pushing started - three pushes and Setapart was born, then Eshne, and then Pollo - was only 25 minutes. What a whirlwind!  She is almost back to peak and it has only been about 3 days! The kids are already starting to do their "jumping in joy" dances. Oonagh is wondering why her world has just tilted out of orbit and doesn't like these new changes especially when "those little things" think her teat is as good as Moma's. She is quite vocal about it. Teagan has bonded well from the beginning, cleaning them up, encouraging them to nurse, and watching over them with care.

Monday, February 3, 2014

"Hey, what does that paper say right there?"

"Where? Oh umm, OWNER." …. "What else does it say?"…. "Well, that doesn't make sense." …. "It does if this is your truck."  …. Squealing, Crying, Laughing, Hugging, Ooohing & Awwwing. What a great gift from Ash and Jon to EJ for her first truck. Do I hear plans for a road trip on the wind?
Just a few personal items: betty boop floormats, stocking the 1st aide bag, water, a blanket, some CD's. It came with a handy-dandy emergency road kit, full tank and fresh oil change  - nice! I'm thinking - umm - I see some nice errand-running-favors in my future.