Monday, June 7, 2010

Not Your Birthday, Hot Mama Day!

What a blessing God has given us through our friends!!! Amber, knowing I was not into having a birthday party, made a new tradition for me to follow, for hopefully many more years to come. HOT MAMA DAY ! After being crowned HotMama for the day I was bestowed with jewels and fed the finest of foods. Kathy's feta chicken burgers, salmon, complements of Eric, aspearagus with very teriaki, and butter cake with brownies made by Amber. Good conversaton and laughter plus all kinds of weather made our get together one to remember, thank you. We are so going to miss all of you!!!!

1 comment:

  1. it was such a blast!!! i'm glad you had fun. being friends & getting our families together has been such a blessing in our lives. every mama needs to have a "HOT MAMA" day!!!
